Thursday, August 29, 2024

Russell Brand (English comedian, actor, presenter & activist)

Society is collapsing & people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they're mentally ill is that they're living in a system that's not designed to suit the human spirit.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Loan calculator

Final result

Monday, August 26, 2024

Rosa Luxemburg

Freedom only for suppoters of the government--however numerous they may be--is no freedom at all. Freedom is always & exclusively freedom for the 1 who thinks differently. Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter.

Walter E. Williams

  • No matter how worthy the cause, it is robbery, theft & injustice to confiscate the property of 1 person & give it to another to whom it does not belong.
  • Don't make the mistake of equating economic freedom with democracy. — Liberty Versus the Tyranny of Socialism (p.178)
  • How does something immoral, when done privately, become moral when it is done collectively? Furthermore, does legality establish morality? Slavery was legal; apartheid is legal; Stalinist, Nazi & Maoist purges were legal. Clearly, the fact of legality does not justify these crimes. Legality, alone, cannot be the talisman of moral people.
  • I prefer a thief to a Congressman. A thief will take your money & be on their way, but a Congressman will stand there & bore you with the reasons why he took it.
  • Let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn & you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you & why?
  • Most of the great problems we face are caused by politicians creating solutions to problems they created in the 1st place.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Thomas Jefferson

  • I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale. (1816)
  • What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preseve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.
  • Not less than 2 hours a day should be devoted to exercise & the weather should be little regarded. If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong.

Douglas Adams

"It comes from a very ancient democarcy, you see."

"You mean it comes from a world of lizards?"

"No...on its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards & the lizards rule the people."

"Odd, I thought you said it was a democracy."

"I did. It is."

"So why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"

"It honestly doesn't occur to them. They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."

"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"

"Oh yes, of course."

"But why?"

"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard, the wrong lizard might get in."

‒"So Long & Thanks for All the Fish"

Thomas Paine

  • Money is Money & Paper is Paper. All the invention of man cannot make them otherwise.
  • Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable 1.
  • The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.
  • He who dares not offend, cannot be honest.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Robert Anton Wilson

The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Robert A. Heinlein

  • That we were slaves I had known all my life & nothing could be done about it. True, we weren’t bought & sold – if Authority held monopoly over what we had to have & what we could sell to buy it, we were slaves.
    The Moon is A Harsh Mistress
  • No amount of force can control a free man, whose mind is free. No, not the rack nor the atomic bomb, not anything. You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.
  • There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.
  • Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed.

Romain Rolland

I find war detestable but those who praise it without participating in it even more so

Ron Paul

  • Foreign aid is taking money from poor people in rich countries & giving it to rich people in poor countries.
Q: If we ended the federal reserve, what would you replace it with?
  • When you remove a cancerous tumor, what do you replace it with?

  • Maybe we ought to consider a Golden Rule in foreign policy: Don't do to other nations what we don't want happening to us.
  • The propagandists seek to fool the people into believing it is patriotic to support the wars. But, the opposite is the truth: it is patriotic to support peace.
  • It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.
  • If you sacrifice liberty for security, you will lose both.
  • There is only 1 kind of freedom & that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator & our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Michael Malice

Low status people would love a social credit score because obedience is 1 of the few metrics they can complete on.


When buying & selling are controlled by legislation the 1st things to be bought & sold are legislators.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

George Bernard Shaw

If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

Murray N. Rothbard

  • It is the state that is robbing all classes, rich & poor, black & white, worker & businessman alike; it is the state that is ripping us all off; it is the state that is the common enemy of mankind.
  • For centuries the State has committed mass murder & called it "war"; then ennobled the mass slaughter that "war" involves. For centuries the State has enslaved people into its armed battalions & called it "conscription" in the "national service." For centuries the State has robbed people at bayonet point & called it "taxation."
  • The free market is the only social system that rewards individual initiative, creativity & productivity on a mass scale.
  • The welfare state has not eliminated poverty, but it has created a permanent underclass of dependents who are trapped in poverty.
  • The market is a process, not a thing or a place & it is composed of human beings exchanging goods & services for mutual benefits.
  • ,,stop all foreign aid. ―The Irrepressible Rothbard (p.41)
  • Who wants good people in government? Good people should be in the private sector. Helping us out, helping themselves out in the private sector. We want schmoes in government. We want people who can't find the doorknob. Why waste productive people, as well as looking the taxpayer?
  • The "boom-bust" cycle is generated by monetary intervention in the market, specifically bank credit expansion to business. ―America's Great Depression (p.9)
  • Whenever someone starts talking about 'fair competition' or indeed, about 'fairness' in general, it is time to keep a sharp eye on your wallet, for it is about to be picked.
  • The State is & always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, its liberty, happiness & progress.
  • "we" are not the government; the government is not "us." The government does not in any accurate sense "represent" the majority of the people. ―Anatomy of the state (p.10)
  • No action can be virtuous unless it is freely chosen.
  • The state is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly on the use of force & violence in a given territorial area; in particular, it is the only organization in society that obtains its revenue not by voluntary contribution or payment for services rendered but by coercion.
  • A tried & true method for bending subjects to the State's will is including guilt. Any increase in private well-being can be attacked as 'unconscionable greed', 'materialism', 'excessive affluence', profit-making can be attacked as 'exploitation', mutually benefical exchanges denounced as 'selfishness' & somehow with the conclusion always being drawn that more resources should be siphoned from the private to the public sector. (1974)
  • The FED is an organized cartel of banksters, who are creating inflation, ripping off the public, destroying the savings of the average American.
  • The state is not a benevolent protector of the people, but a predatory entity that seeks to control & dominate them.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Easy Rider

Freedom is what it's all about...but talkin' about it & bein' it, that's 2 different things. They're going to talk to you & talk to you & talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare them.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thomas Merton

  • It seems the people of the country are by & large reduced to passivity, confusion, resentment, frustration, thoughtlessness & ignorance, so that they blindly follow any line that is unraveled for them by the mass media.
  • When I criticize the system, they think I criticize them & that is of course because they fully accept the system & identify themselves with it.

Random paragraph generator

Dave Chappelle

  • I support anyone's right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?
  • The more you say I can't say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it & it has nothing to do with what you're saying I can't say; it has everything to do with my right & my freedom. (2022)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

scrollwheel of mouse

use scrollwheel of mouse & to zoom-in-out

Monday, August 12, 2024

Text animation


Friday, August 9, 2024


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

So which am I, right or left? Which are you? Do these labels even make sense anymore or are they just another way to keep the people divided.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Dictionary application

English dictionary



Monday, August 5, 2024

Friedrich A. von Hayek (8 May 1899 - 23 March 1992)

  • I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation. Usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments.
  • Coercion is evil precisely because it thus eliminates an individual as a thinking & valuing person & makes him a bare tool in the achievement of the ends of another. Free action, in which a person pursues his own aims by the means indicated by his own knowledge, must be based on data which cannot be shaped at will by another.
  • Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
  • The system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not.
  • It is indeed probable that more harm & misery have been caused by men determined to use coercion to stamp out a moral evil than by men intent on doing evil.
  • If Socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be Socialists.
  • There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally & attempting to make them equal.

Kim Kardashian

  • I'm not scared of the Maos & the Stalins & the Hitlers. I'm scared of thousands of millions of people that hallucinate them to be "authority," & so do their bidding & pay for their empires & carry out their orders.
  • All rational action is economic. All economic activity is rational action. All rational action is in the 1st place individual action. Only the individual thinks. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual acts.

Post Malone

Neither thieves nor officials produce a marketable good to offset what they take; they contribute nothing to the purchasing power because they contribute nothing to the general fund of wealth.

Mark Twain

  • I was educated once — it took me years to get over it.
  • No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.
  • Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it.
  • Politics is the only profession where you can lie, cheat & steal & still be respected.
  • No people in the world ever did achieve their freedom by talk & moral suasion: it being immutable law that all revolutions that will succeed, must begin in blood. If history teaches us anything, it teaches that.
  • Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause & reflect.

Selena Gomes

What makes the difference between a gang & a state is the belief that there is difference between a gang & a state

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Javier Milei | Argentina's president

  • We aren't above the ones we represent. In financial terms: 'The derivative is NEVER worth more than the underlying asset.' The derivative exists because the underlying asset exists. We exist as representatives of the People because the People exist. It is madness, it is DELUSIONAL to think that a representative of the People is above the people themselves. It is a delusion in which the political caste lives!
  • Socialism is a violent, murderous & impoverishing phenomenon.
  • Don't get caught up in the terrible concept that where there is a need, there is a right.
  • We must stop thinking as slaves. We must think as free men.
  • I am here today to tell you that the West is in danger.
It is in danger because those who are supposed to defend the values of the West have been co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism & consequently to poverty.
  • When the state calls you a taxpayer, it's equivalent to a rapist calling his victim his girlfriend.
  • The enemy is socialism, the enemy is statism, the enemy is collectivism.
  • You don't get out of poverty by magic. You get out of poverty with capitalism, savings & hard work.
  • If you don't fight for your freedom, they will drag you into misery... Don't surrender.
  • The state does not create wealth, the state destroys it. The state can give you nothing, because it produces nothing.
  • If printing money would end poverty printing diplomas would end stupidity.
  • Businesspeople, do not be intimidated, either by the political caste or by parasites who live off the state... You're heroes... Let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral..
  • Far from being the cause of our problems, free trade capitalism as an economic system is the only instrument we have to end hunger, poverty & extreme poverty across our planet. The empirical evidence is unquestionable.
  • Socialism is a disease of the soul. [this disease] Destroys moral values & promotes envy, hatred & resentment & when they have no more places to turn to, they end up murdering people.
  • 1 of the greatest thieves in the history of mankind is the central bank.
  • ,,Those who have the power to move Argentina forward, [by] changing the future & creating wealth are the businessmen & not the politicians.
  • You can't give shit leftists a single millimeter. If you give them a millimeter they will use it to destroy you.
  • The more government there is, the more violence there is, the more distortion there is, the worse the [economic] system functions.
  • Let us not allow the fatally conceited to destroy our lives with regulations.
    "The Market is Ourselves": Argentine President Milei Explains His Approach to Freedom at Hoover, May 29, 2024

Niccolò Machiavelli

Politics have no relation to morals


  • There are many forms of servitude which democracy assures us are liberty. (1896)
  • All the finest freedoms of mankind have been obtained, not by obedient, but by utterly disobedient, persons; persons who, if they had failed, would have been thrown into priosn or sent to death. (1896)
  • In all political schemes which exist now, working themselves out in actually or proposed as a panacea, there is only a choice between despotism & anarchy. (1896)

Franz Kafka

  • 1 idiot is 1 idiot. 2 idiots are 2 idiots. 10000 idiots are a political party.
  • Every revolution evaporates & leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.