Saturday, September 21, 2024


  • Why do we have wars?
    Because we are ruled by an elite group of psychopaths who own the banks that control the governments & media. They fund both sides of war for profite & they manufacture the consent of the public through the propaganda of the media.
  • Why do we pay taxes?
    So we don't get arrested.
  • How to be happy?
    Spread an irreversible amount of anti-gov't political dissent in everything you do.
  • If socialism doesn't work, why do some people still support it?
    Because they don't work either.
  • Why does government ruin everything it touches?
    People can't seem to figure out that government is a monopoly that has no incentive to be efficient, effective, accountable or to improve because its funded by taxes we pay involuntarily & if we don't, they put us in prison.
  • What's a conspiracy theorist?
    • Someone living in Orwellian times making fairly obvious observations.
    • Somebody who figures out the truth before most people.
    • A person that doesn't watch as much TV as you do.
  • Why are people ignoring the vaccine injured?
    Because seeing what they pushed on others causing harm is difficult & they choose to ignore so their ego keeps thinking they're good & virtuous.
  • How the hell do you stay sane with everything that's going on?
  • What are the 6 lessons of the Austrian school?
    The Austrian school of economics emphasizes certain key principles that distinguish it from other schools of thought. While there isn't a universally agreed-upon list of lessons, here are 6 fundamental concepts often associated with the Austrian school.
  • What are the 3 powers of government?
    1. Print money
    2. Interference of private property
    3. Overspending
  • What is a contradiction?
    Believing that 18yr olds couldn't understand their student loans, but 7yr olds can choose their gender.
  • So when do your friends come back after you show them that all politicians are evil & that the State is a criminal enterprise?
    That's the neat part--they don't.
  • Do the Rothschilds marry each other?
    In fact, between 1824 & 1877, of 36 male Rothschild decendants, 30 married their cousins, with 1st preferences going to those whose fathers were partners in different branches of the bank, giving a whole new dimention to the term 'family business'.
  • What does it mean when someone says "trust the science?"
    It means "shut up & obey us."
  • What is hypocrisy?
    When progressives constantly defend big pharma & big tech despite claiming to hate corporations.
  • What vehicle do you automatically assume is being driven by a total asshole?
    Police car