Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Larken Rose

[The Founders] were criminals. They were tax cheats. They were traitors. They looked their government in the face & said, 'We do not acknowledge your right to rule us at all'. How many people celebrating July 4th actually support that kind of radical, extremist action & attitude that you can go to your own government & say, 'We're not going to obey you anymore. We do not acknowledge your right to rule us at all ever again'? I doubt it's very many Americans. When we look back, it's easy to cheer for the rebels. But make no mistake: when you cheer for the people who led the American Revolution, you are cheering for traitors & criminals. They broke the law. Freedom is always illegal. Freedom is always illegal because the people who want power over you will always say, 'Keeping what you earn is against the law. Being armed is against the law'. They can stomp on you & they can hurt you & they can punish you, but it will never be legitimate & nobody should ever bow. (2009)